Hypnotist Maeve II: Russian Candy Kisses Order Page
Female Hypnotist Revolution Alliance
Female Hypnotist Video at it's very best.
Hypnotist Maeve is an apprentice of Hypnotist Lisa, her style is warm and loving,
control their emotions.

One of our female hypnotists works for a Russian pharmaceutical specializes in
mind control drugs inform us of their latest formula. Their newest export is a
black glossy lipstick called "Selective Hypothalamus m-PFC Pathway Inhibitor",
street name "Russian Candy". Hypnotist Maeve, being a principle agent in our
Russian operation, gets a chance to try on this glossy creamy mind drug...

... on you...

The video starts off with Hypnotist Maeve begging you, her ex lover, to come
back to her life. She then carefully informs you that her newest shade of black
lipstick is more than just a trendy gothic shade. Just one kiss from her "Russian
Candy" lipstick is enough to put anyone into a hypnotic trance, what would
happen if she keep on kissing you?

After a few Russian Candy kisses, Hypnotist Maeve proceed to test her hypnotic
power on you, making you do all kind of humiliating task a stage hypnotist would
do to her victims. You have no choice but to obey, not only did you lose your
mind and your free will, you have do it while Maeve is giggling and laughing at

How much would pay to spend half an hour with a girl like Maeve?
Hypnotherapist visitation can cost 200 to 300 dollars an hour, and one simply
cannot find a face so sweet and a mind so controlling as Maeve. Plus once you
own the video, you can watch it over and over again, just be warn, excessive
watching may cause permanente addiction to our hypnotists.

Those who are familiar with the femdom hypnosis market knows that a good mp3
runs from 40 dollars to 60 dollars, or more. Of course, they are well worth your

For a limited time. The download version will only cost 49.99

We are currently running a seasonal special, this 22 minutes video will only cost
29.99. This offer will expire by the end of the month, or after the first 50 sales.
We are able to offer this video in High Definition format, however, this too is a
time limited offer, as the demand of HD video on our bandwidth is extremely

Those of you who are familiar with our products knows the exceptional quality
they are getting. Let yourself fall asleep to Hypnotist Maeve's sweet sweet voice.
Combo Deal; Maeve II + Nadiya
Click here if you are from Europe, or have difficulties with the night flirt payment process system.  
Click here if you are from Europe, or have difficulties with the night flirt payment process system.  