The video projects that started it all
Female Hypnotist Revolution Alliance
Female Hypnotist Video at it's very best.
Hypnotist Nicole Williams
Nicole is a 21 years old college graduate. Her sweet smile and her bright eyes will simply melt your
heart, while her silky blonde hair radiates an aura of fun loving energy. But don't let her wholesome,
Midwestern down to earth, girl next door charisma trick you. She gradated with a 3.95 GPA from an
ivy league college, and have a reputation of walking all over the men who dares to stand in her way!
As many men are attracted to her enigmatic confidence, many more men
are intimated by her commanding attitude. Whatever Nicole wants, Nicole gets. She recently took over
a high level corporate position, and decided to learn hypnosis to further her circle of influence. With
our help, she will soon take over that company, and the rest of the corporate world…
Just as we start teaching Nicole the fundamentals of hypnosis, her roommate, Dawn, walks in…
Hypnotist  Dawn LeMay
Just as we start teaching Nicole the fundamentals of hypnosis, Dawn- Nicole's roommate, walked into
the room. Pamela has been curious to learn hypnosis for many years, she was so delighted at Nicole's
learning opportunity, she asked if we would teach her hypnosis as well.
Pamela is a 25 years old fitness trainer. Towering figure at 6 feet and muscles to match, Dawn
intimates the bravest of men. She served as a medic in the army's elite airborne division, and she's
studying to enroll in a prestigious medical school this coming year. Of course, learning to be more …
"persuasive"… will greatly enhance her chance to succeed in the male dominated medical field.
Nicole and Dawn studied hypnosis together, and practice hypnosis on each other days and nights.
With their combined charisma, intelligence and the newly perfected hypnotic skills, the world is to
their taking.
Hypnotist Hanna Fitzpatrick
With her sultry red hair and her seductive instinct, Hanna is one of the most dangerous woman in the
business world. She can make any stranger fall in love with her in under 12 seconds, and then have
them eating out of her hand in less than half a minute. Recently landing a high power corporate job,
she wants to learn hypnosis to extend her web of control. She is so natural at NLP and Ericksonian
hypnosis that even our seasoned professor kept falling under her spell. We met her when she was
working as a bartender, and we were in awe of her natural ability to project her dominating charisma
onto the bar's unwitting patrons. Warning: We strongly advise you to stay away from Hanna unless
you are ready to give everything to her.
Hypnotist Lisa Villeneuve
Lisa is 19 years old college student majoring in abnormal psychology. She is takes up fashion
modeling and acting to put herself through college. After dealing with manipulating, controlling,
dominate men in the 'biz', she decided to take control. We helped her create an "audition" video
which makes the viewer become... well.. susceptible to Lisa's charm.
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